PENSO works with business leaders to gain more effective outcomes in the digital era. PENSO designs visionary digital strategies to transform organisations, deliver innovation and improve margins.
PENSO has established a global reputation as trusted digital strategy advisors to enterprises and governments. We consult to business leaders so that they may innovate and take advantage of changes in business, rather than being overwhelmed by digital disruption. Our view is that many of the basic principles of business growth haven’t changed; in order to grow, businesses need to be mentally available (remembered, recognised and recalled) and physically available (digital, retail, sales and distribution channels). These latter channels and consumers experiences are the main area of disruption and change in contemporary business, and our main area of strategic focus with our clients.
All of this is underpinned by our strong adherence to marketing science, as pioneered by Andrew Ehrenberg and popularised by Professor Byron Sharp, Dr Karen Nelson-Field and other academics & advocates of an evidence-based approach to marketing.
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